Merry Christmas! This is a very exciting time in the Oakley household. The boys are very excited about the lights and tree and all of the pretty decorations. We are doing an advent calendar this year and the boys love it! Now, it could be the chocolate that is in the calendar, but the boys are excited to learn their lesson and join in our prayer to thank Jesus for coming to save us, and of course, to thank Him for their chocolate.
We have had a few major things happen in our family this year. Paul’s dad got married in April to a lovely lady named Nina. We met her at the wedding and liked her immediately and are excited about getting to know her better. We were all honored to be in the wedding, and the boys were adorable ring bearers (although they didn’t actually carry the rings).
Two days after the excitement of the wedding, the trial started for the man who killed my aunt and three cousins. It was a 25 year old cold case and my entire family felt incredible relief when a guilty verdict was rendered. We are praising the Lord for this, while trusting him for peace and healing in the hearts of our family members.
We started the year with babies and ended this year with active toddlers. They are the delights of our hearts and are so incredible. It is amazing how they have healed my heart after my two miscarriages and having them has made going through my third miscarriage early this year be not quite as painful.
Matthew is talking up a storm and is repeating everything people say. He tends to be more dominant at home (shy with new people) and takes care of his brother by bringing blankeys and drinks when Andrew is sad. He is an incredible snuggler, even though he rarely stops long enough to do so. He loves his cars, trucks, and balls. His feet are doing really well, and he doesn’t put much of a fight putting his braces on, thankfully.
Andrew is quieter, but gets his point across and is incredibly funny. He is very busy, but he does like to sit on your lap and cuddle. One of Andrew’s favorite things is to lay on the floor and drive his cars or trucks around. Sometimes, it is just any toys he can pretend are cars. Andrew is very friendly and more dominant in public and with new people. Andrew’s eye condition is stable, and not quite as sensitive to sunlight.
Paul and I are doing well. Paul continues to be an assistant manager at Sheetz. He works a lot of hours and it can be hard sometimes when we don’t see him a lot, but we appreciate all he does for our family. I do my best to keep the house running smoothly, although it can be hard when I have two little tornados coming behind me.
A few prayer requests: Andrew and Matthew both have umbilical hernias. Andrew’s is worse and had a consult with a surgeon, who is letting us wait a year to see if it will go away on its own. By the time they are three, if they haven’t healed, they will have to have surgery. Please prayer for healing. Please pray for Matthew’s feet, because they still turn in a little when he walks and if the braces don’t correct this, he will have to have surgery when he’s 4.
We have had a few major things happen in our family this year. Paul’s dad got married in April to a lovely lady named Nina. We met her at the wedding and liked her immediately and are excited about getting to know her better. We were all honored to be in the wedding, and the boys were adorable ring bearers (although they didn’t actually carry the rings).
Two days after the excitement of the wedding, the trial started for the man who killed my aunt and three cousins. It was a 25 year old cold case and my entire family felt incredible relief when a guilty verdict was rendered. We are praising the Lord for this, while trusting him for peace and healing in the hearts of our family members.
We started the year with babies and ended this year with active toddlers. They are the delights of our hearts and are so incredible. It is amazing how they have healed my heart after my two miscarriages and having them has made going through my third miscarriage early this year be not quite as painful.
Matthew is talking up a storm and is repeating everything people say. He tends to be more dominant at home (shy with new people) and takes care of his brother by bringing blankeys and drinks when Andrew is sad. He is an incredible snuggler, even though he rarely stops long enough to do so. He loves his cars, trucks, and balls. His feet are doing really well, and he doesn’t put much of a fight putting his braces on, thankfully.
Andrew is quieter, but gets his point across and is incredibly funny. He is very busy, but he does like to sit on your lap and cuddle. One of Andrew’s favorite things is to lay on the floor and drive his cars or trucks around. Sometimes, it is just any toys he can pretend are cars. Andrew is very friendly and more dominant in public and with new people. Andrew’s eye condition is stable, and not quite as sensitive to sunlight.
Paul and I are doing well. Paul continues to be an assistant manager at Sheetz. He works a lot of hours and it can be hard sometimes when we don’t see him a lot, but we appreciate all he does for our family. I do my best to keep the house running smoothly, although it can be hard when I have two little tornados coming behind me.
A few prayer requests: Andrew and Matthew both have umbilical hernias. Andrew’s is worse and had a consult with a surgeon, who is letting us wait a year to see if it will go away on its own. By the time they are three, if they haven’t healed, they will have to have surgery. Please prayer for healing. Please pray for Matthew’s feet, because they still turn in a little when he walks and if the braces don’t correct this, he will have to have surgery when he’s 4.
Merry Christmas!
Paul, Sarah, Matthew, and Andrew