Sunday, April 4, 2010


I was reflecting a lot about Easter today and all that it entails. I have a whole new perspective on this day now that I have children. I have two precious little boys whom I love more than I thought possible. I would do anything for them, and believe that I would even die for them if I had to in order to keep them safe.

This got me thinking about how God sent his only son to die for all of the sins of mankind. I don't think I could do that. I don't care if it saved the entire world, I don't think I could let my son die, much less send him to die so that someone else, who doesn't even deserve it, could have life. I am selfish that way. God, on the other hand, loves me and everyone else so much that he made that sacrifice and sent his son to die for me so that I (and everyone else) could live. And his son died a horrible death, and did it so that people who believe in him will be able to get to heaven.

The way to get to heaven is simple- you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth, and you will be saved. Saved from your sins (everyone has them!), saved from a hopeless life, saved from the horrors of hell. AND, even better, because I believe and have asked Jesus into my heart to live, I now have a relationship with the God of the universe. I know that I too often take that for granted, but I am so glad that God is patient with me and loves me through it all- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I hope and pray that my life is different and that I make God happy. I know that I still mess up, but, thankfully, that doesn't make God hate me! He still loves me and wants to have a relationship with me, and with everyone else!

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