Saturday, July 10, 2010


I hate to exercise. Hate it, hate it! However, I made a commitment to myself that I would walk every day this summer except for Sundays and days that it was raining all day. I thought that would be pretty doable, since I am now a stay at home mom.

Matthew absolutely LOVES walks. I think they may be his favorite part of the day. You should see him, sitting tall, holding onto the tray in front of him and looking around eagerly the entire time. He is so cute. Andrew is more like me- he would prefer to play inside. But he doesn't mind them unless the sun is in his eyes, and he refuses to wear his sunglasses for more than five minutes- believe me, I try everyday to keep those sunglasses on his face to protect his little eyes, especially since he has the colobama, which causes severe light sensitivity.

Due to Andrew's eye condition, we go early in the morning before it is too bright outside and stick to the route with a lot of shade. Due to these precautions, Andrew also enjoys our walks. They both love to sit up front, so they take turns, and since we go six days a week, they each get three rides in the front each.

We have quite the system going. They wake up bright and early at 6am every morning. So I nurse them, change them, get dressed, and we go for our walk, which usually takes 45 minutes. The exercise is good for us. The boys have a better day with it, and I, well, I guess I do too. You see, exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins make us happy. And the sun does something to improve mood too. Which has really helped my latest depression (about a month ago, right before I started this exercise regiment).

However, despite all the healthy benefits of exercising and how good I have felt lately, I must tell you, I was ecstatic when it was raining this morning! I was nearly jumping up and down. And then the afternoon hit and that stupid sun came back out. So, reluctantly, dutifully, I loaded the boys in the stroller and went for our walk. I guess I feel good about it. But I kept my goal so far- we have walked every day except Sundays. I'm so glad tomorrow is Sunday and I get a true break, from walking at least. You don't get much of a break when you have twins!

Have I mentioned how much I hate exercising?

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