Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Minor miracle

A minor miracle happened in the Oakley household this afternoon. And I know that this might not be a big deal to most people, but it is a big deal to me, because this hardly ever happens. Both boys took a nap at the same time today! For two hours! Two!

Of course, at the time, I didn't know that their nap would be so long, so I started reading and then I cuddled with my awesome hubby before he went to work. And then, as Paul was getting ready to go for work, I decided to lay down for five minutes until the boys woke up, praying that they would sleep until 4. Well, they surpassed that, and slept until 4:20, giving me an hour nap. And I tell you, a nap never felt so good. (Well, that's not entirely true- it felt better during their first few months, but let's not revisit that time.)

Glorious nap! I wish two hour naps happened at the same time for both boys every day!

1 comment:

  1. WE all need to fast and pray for that!! We all do not know what it is like to have twins--how hard it has to be--so we should keep Sarah and Paul in daily prayers for rest most of all-because if you have rest, you can deal with almost everything else so much easier!
