Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Love of the Father

The other night, Matthew was up several times crying. I went in four times, although he was up more than that. This is, thankfully, not the norm. He is either getting sick or teething. Anyway, the first time I went in, he basically collapsed in my arms, hugging me tight as I rocked him back to sleep.

And as I was rocking him, I got to thinking about the parallels between parenthood and God's love for his children. Matthew was crying out to me, persistently, and I came in to comfort him. In the same way, when we cry out to God, he is there to comfort us and tend to our needs. The thing that struck me, however, was when I was holding tightly to Matthew and comforting him. My heart was swollen with love and peace as I held him and rocked him. I got to thinking: is this how God feels about me, and all of His children? Is this how God feels about us when we rest in His arms and His love? Is His love for us so overwhelming and secure and does He beam with pride over me? Does He love holding me in His arms like I love holding my babies in my arms? I love my children fiercely, but my love for them is minuscule compared to the love that God has for us.

I don't think I can even express how grateful to God I am for those thoughts, because I think it helped my relationship with Him immensely. He loves me more than I could ever love my children. I am His child and am welcome in His arms at any time. He never tires or me, He always wants me to come to Him. I am so grateful for my God who loves me and I wish everyone would experience Him in a relationship with Him.

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