Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year and Resolutions

I become pretty sentimental when the closing of another year is upon us. I become very nostalgic in remembering the good times, and desperately wanting to slow the passing of time. 2010 was a good year. I was able to quit my job and become a stay at home mom, with all the positives and negatives that that entails. I was able to be home with my babies during their first year of life. I learned a lot about myself, both positive and negative.

In the start of a new year, I have many hopes and dreams of becoming a better person- kinder and compassionate to all. I become very pensive the last few days of a year and deciding the resolutions I hope to attain in the new year. The following is the list I have resolved to do this year.

1. I want to be consistent in having daily devotions. I also want to start doing devotions with Paul on a regular basis- at least 5 days per week.
2. I want to become more organized. I have different calendars for different things: one for goals, like a to do list, one for menu planning, and one for a daily schedule. Every Sunday, I want to sit down, combine all of the lists into one and post it on the refrigerator to keep us on target. Also in the goal, I would like to declutter the house.
3. I want to become more financially responsible. I don't want to have to dip into savings almost every month like we do now. I would also like to pay off one of my debts. We have a notebook calendar that we are going to write down every time we spend money so that we can be more aware of where our money is going.
4. I want to lose 70 pounds. I have broken this goal down into pieces. I want to lose 20 pounds by March, when Paul's dad is getting married. I want to lose 20 more by June, when we are going on vacation. I want to lose 20 more by October, when I turn 30. And I want to lose the last 10 by Christmas, when we see all (or most) of our families. I want to eat healthy and exercise 3-5 times per week. I have bought a notebook calendar and will write down everything I eat. I have also toyed with doing the "no S diet," which is basically saying I won't eat any sweets, seconds, or snacks except in days that start with S. Maybe a combination of both. I am hoping that by losing weight I will have more energy.
5. I want to become a better wife and mother, kinder with my words and actions, and more diligent in my family's lives.
6. I want to be consistent in writing in my blog, and perhaps run ads on here in an attempt to make money.
7. I also have a personal goal that I won't write here, but I want to at least mention so that when I read this later on, it will remind me.
8. I would like to read more, perhaps a little everyday, or at least 5 days per week.

I like to write my New Year's Resolutions down so that I can revisit them often to make sure I am on track. When I did that in 2009, I met all of my goals, except the weight loss goal, but I was pregnant for most of 2009, so I forgive myself for that. I didn't write down any resolutions for 2010, and I honestly can't even remember if I made any. So I am back on track, and hopefully I will meet all my goals for 2011.

Happy New Year! May all your wishes and dreams come true!

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