Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Hope

I was listening to the radio tonight and a caller was talking about the joy and hope we have at Christmas. She stated that the reason we have this joy and hope is because of Jesus' birth and how amazing it must have been for those who were able to experience his birth. For their entire lives, they heard about the promise of the coming Messiah and were so filled with hope when Jesus was born.

I think this is true on a smaller scale when any new baby is born. New babies are amazing miracles. To think how they were formed and how they grow in their mother's womb is nothing short of miraculous. When a new baby is born, people are filled with hope and wonder and joy. People breathe lighter, smile more, speak softly, and hold hope for this new life. Almost everyone is in awe of new babies. We want to see and experience this new life and soak up the innocence that this new creature has. It is hard to resist touching this new little baby, for maybe their innocence will transfer to us somehow.

New life brings joy. What a good analogy for our Savior. He brings joy into people's lives if they will only accept Him. If they reach out to touch him, to accept His goodness into our hearts, into our lives, we will be filled with hope and wonder, love and joy. But most importantly, we will have a new life, a new start. When we accept Jesus as our Savior by confessing that He is Lord, and we need Him in order to have our sins forgiven and go to Heaven, and accept Jesus into our hearts, then we will have a new life. We will have hope.

It doesn't stop there. Like a baby, new believers need nourishment, need help to grow in the Lord. Finding a good church is awesome, but seeking out someone to help you grow in your new walk with the Lord is even better.

Jesus is my hope in this often callous world. I love how the new life of a little baby helps to remind me of how Jesus came as a baby to give hope and joy in this world.

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